November 30: Raptors Game & Wine+Cheese Party

Tomek & Romek presents
Raptors NBA Polish Heritage Night
WHEN:Friday, November 30th, 2012 at 7pm

WHERE:Air Canada Centre

Facebook event page

PSA presents
Wine and Cheese Party
WHEN:Friday, November 30th, 2012 at 9pm

WHERE:SPK, 206 Beverley Street, Toronto, ON.

$10 (members)/$15 (non-members)/$5 (Raptors ticket holders)

The Romek and Tomek Show invite you to Raptors NBA Polish Heritage Night at Air Canada Centre. This is followed by PSA’s Annual Wine and Cheese Party, one of the best parties of the year!! Come out, meet new friends, dance and party to Polish music!!!

November 24: Polish Heritage Day Royal Ontario Museum


The online discount code POLAND is active. The instructions to buy tickets is a few simple steps:

You can already buy tickets online and save up to 30% off regular rates for Polish Heritage Day at the ROM November 24, 2012:

– go to select General Admission

– use promo code: POLAND

– Print tickets at home and on November 24, just walk right in

Już od teraz mają Państwo możliwość zakupu biletów w promocyjnej cenie (zniżka do 30%) do Royal Ontario Museum na Polish Heritage Day 24 listopada 2012.

– Proszę węjść na stronę wybierz General Admission

– Zamów bilety używając promocyjnego kodu : POLAND

– Prosimy o wydrukowanie biletów w domu i okazanie ich przy wejściu do muzeum.

PSA Reunion Invitation

PSA Reunion Invitation

The Polish Students’ Association

at the University of Toronto

cordially invites you to celebrate

The 60th Anniversary of the Polish
Students’ Association

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

At 5:00pm

Beverley Halls SPK

206 Beverley Street

Toronto, Ontario M5T 1Z3

PSA is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a reunion dinner!

Come out to meet members past and present, share stories, memories and
pictures from the many years of the PSA!

If you know any past PSA members please extend this invitation to them
as we welcome all PSA members to participate in these celebrations!

Please RSVP to by Wednesday

October 10th to be placed on the guest list!

Attire (Dress code) is Business Casual