
Wieczorek Filmowy – Movie Night

English Version Follows
Wieczorek filmowy polaczony z wyjsciem do baru!

KIEDY: czwartek, 14 stycznia 2010 od godziny 19:00 do 22:00
GDZIE: Brennan Hall, University of Toronto, 81 St. Mary Street
WSTEP: wolny

PSA serdecznie zaprasza na goraca kawe i smaczne paczki podczas
ogladania filmu Jacka Bromskiego pt. ‘U Pana Boga w ogrodku’. Zaraz po zakonczeniu filmu bedziemy cala grupa szli do baru.

GDZIE: O’Grady Tap and Grill, 171 College St



Movie night and Pub night!

WHEN: Thursday January 14, 2010 from 7pm to 10pm
WHERE: Brennan Hall, University of Toronto, 81 St. Mary Street

PSA would like to invite you to enjoy a hot cup of coffee and some
delicious paczki while watching a film by Jacek Bromski entitled ‘U
Pana Boga w ogrodku’. When the movie finishes the group will be heading out to a pub.

WHERE: O’Grady Tap and Grill, 171 College St

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wigilia – Traditional Christmas Dinner

English Version Follows



KIEDY: piatek, 18 grudnia 2009 od godziny 18:00 do 21:00
GDZIE: biuro PSA pokoj 409, 21 Sussex Avenue.

PSA zaprasza wszystkich na tradycyjna polska Wigilie. Bedziemy lamac
sie oplatkiem, skladac sobie zyczenia i wspolnie spiewac koledy.
Prosimy rowniez, aby kazdy z przybylych przyniosl jedna potrawe


Traditional Polish Christmas Dinner

WHEN: Friday, December 18, 2009 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
WHERE: PSA office Room 409, 21 Sussex Ave.

The PSA invites all its members and friends to a traditional Polish
Christmas Dinner. The dinner is potluck style so if you can bring a
favourite Polish Christmas dish to share, that’d be great! We’ll be
singing carols, exchanging wishes with an ‘oplatek’, and to top it off – our Santa Claus will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to a local charity.

Wyjscie do Baru / Pub Night

English Version Follows:

Wyjscie do Baru!
Odpocznji od nauki i zrelaksuj sie z nami!
KIEDY: Czwartek, 3 Grudzien, 21:00
GDZIE: Ferret and Firkin at 720 Spadina Ave south of Bloor.

Do zobaczenia!


Pub Night!
The PSA invites you to take a break from studying and catch up with
friends at another edition of:
PSA Pubnight!
WHEN: Thursday, December 3rd, 9pm
WHERE: Ferret and Firkin at 720 Spadina Ave south of Bloor.

See you there!

Roundtable on Polish-Jewish Relations

UPDATE: Read the article about it that appeared in the newspaper “GAZETA”
O to artykul ktory zostal upublikowany w gazecie “GAZETA”

Conversations with the Generation of 1989

Monday, December 7, 2009, 7:30 PM

Frank Bialystok is a professor of Modern Jewish History at the University of Toronto and York University and a founder of the Polish-Jewish Heritage Foundation. During a recent visit to Poland, he spoke with graduate students and young faculty members about Poles and Jews, World War II and the Holocaust, and myth, memory and history.

! Following the talk Professor Bialystok will moderate the round table discussion on the same topics with participation of local students representing the Polish Students’ Association and the Jewish students’ organization Hillel at the University of Toronto.

Co-sponsored by Miles Nadal JCC

750 Spadina Avenue, Corner of Bloor Street, Toronto

Free to student members of PSA and Hillel at UofT
$5 for PJHF and Miles Nadal members; $8 for non-members

Top 10 Myths by Prof. Frank Bialystok

Double-Memory by Prof. Piotr Wrobel


English version follows:
Andrzejki z Polskim Oddzialem na UofT

KIEDY: czwartek, 19 listopad 2009, o godzine 19:00
GDZIE: Alumni Hall, pokoj 400

Wspolnie z polskim departamentem, PSA organizuje tradycyjnie swieto
“Andrzejki”.Zapraszamy wszystkich na wrozby, muzyke a takze polskie
przysmaki, kawe i herbate. Jest to swietna okazja by spotkac nowych znajomych, oraz zapoznac sie z profesorami wykladajacymi jezyk polski na U of T.

Do zobaczenia!
Andrzejki with the Polish Department at U of T

WHEN: Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 7:00 pm
WHERE: Alumni Hall, Room 400

In cooperation with the Polish Department at the University of Toronto PSA is organizing a traditional “Andrzejki” celebration. We invite all to experience the magic, listen to music, have some Polish treats, tea and coffee. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, including the Polish Professors who teach at U of T!

Wine and Cheese Party!

English Version Follows

Wine and Cheese Dance Party!

KIEDY: sobota, 21 listopad 2009, o godzinie 21:00
GDZIE: w budynku SPK, 206 Beverley Street
CENA BILETOW: $12 cena ogolna – czlonkowie PSA wstep wolny (przy
zakupie lub okazaniu 10$ czlonkowstwa)

Wino i szoty: $3 Drinki i piwo Carlsberg: $4 Polskie piwo Okocim: $5

Zapraszamy wszystkich na swietna zabawe przy polskiej muzyce na naszej dorocznej imprezie Wine and Cheese!


Wine and Cheese Dance Party!

WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 2009, at 9:00 pm
WHERE: SPK building, 206 Beverley Street
TICKET PRICES: $12 general entry – PSA members enter free (with the purchase of a 10$ membership)

Wine and shots: $3 Drinks and Carlsberg: $4 Polish Okocim beer: $5

We invite all to have an awesome time with Polish music at our annual Wine and Cheese party!

Wyjscie do Baru – Pub Night

English Version Follows

Wyscie do Baru

KIEDY: czwartek, 5 listopad 2009, o godzinie 21:00
GDZIE: The Ferret and Firkin na Spadina i Bloor

Zapraszamy wszystkich czlonkow PSA oraz przyjaciol na kolejne w tym
roku wyjscie do baru! Ostatnim razem wszyscy swietnie sie bawili, tym razem rowniez na Was liczymy! Do zobaczenia!


Pub Night

WHEN: Thursday November 5, 2009, at 9:00 pm
WHERE: The Ferret and Firkin on Spadina and Bloor

We invite all PSA members and friends to another pub night! Last time everyone had fun, we count on you to make it happen again! We look forward to seeing you!

Wieczor Sportowy-Sports Night

English Version Follows


Wieczor Sportowy

KIEDY: sroda, 21 pazdziernik 2009, o godzinie 22:00
GDZIE: Hart House Lower Gym

Zapraszamy wszystkich na gre w siatkowke z PSA!
Uwaga: Zeby miec dostep do sali gimnastycznej w Hart House potrzebne
Wam beda T-cards. Jesli nie posiadacie T-card mozecie zakupic
wejsciowke za $15. Musi byc przy tym obecny student UofT (tzn. jedno z nas!). Jesli potrzebujecie zakupic wejsciowke spotykamy sie o godzinie 21:45 przy HUB (glownym wejsciu). W innym wypadku do zobaczenia na sali!


Sports Night

WHEN: Wednesday October 21, 2009, at 10:00 pm
Where: Hart House Lower Gym

We invite everyone to a game of volleyball with PSA!
Note: In order to gain access to the Hart House gym you need a T-card. If you do not have a T-card you can purchase a guest pass for $15. A UofT student must accompany you in buying this pass(that means one of us!). If you need to purchase a guest pass meet us at 9:45 pm by the HUB (main entrance). Otherwise, see you at the gym!

Wieczorek Filmowy! – Movie Night! – “Testosteron”

English Version Follows:


Wieczorek Filmowy

KIEDY: czwartek, 15 pazdziernik 2009, o godzinie 19:00
GDZIE: Bahen Centre BA BO24, 40 St. George Street
CZAS TRWANIA: 119 min,

Komedia pt. “Testosteron” przedstawia historie siedmiu mezczyzn ktorzy wszyscy razem urzadzaja wesele- spedzaja kilkanascie godzin na rozmowach, tancu i piciu. Kazdy z nich ma wlasne doswiadczenia z
kobietami i opowiada swoja historie.
Zapraszamy wszystkich do wspolnego ogladania filmu. Bedzie rowniez
poczestunek: kawa/herbata i paczki!


Movie Night

WHEN: Thursday, 15 October 2009, at 7:00pm
WHERE: Bahen Centre BA BO24, 40 St. George Street
FILM LENGTH: 119 min

The comedy titled “Testosterone” is a story about seven men who throw a wedding together – they spend several hours talking, dancing and
drinking. Each of them has experiences with women and shares their story.
We invite you to join us for the movie. Snacks will be provided:
coffee/tea and polish donuts (paczki)!

Piknik PSA – PSA Picnic

English version follows:


Piknik PSA

KIEDY: czwartek, 8 pazdziernik, 2009 od godziny 11:00 do 16:00
GDZIE: przy UTSU, 12 Hart House Circle, Toronto
MENU: pyszne polskie kielbaski i pierogi!

Zapraszamy na smaczny lunch ktory bedzie serwowany przy zakupie
czlonkostwa PSA na rok 2009/2010. Wpadnijcie, bedzie to kolejna
okazja zeby sie zapoznac!


PSA Picnic

WHEN: Thursday October 8th, 2009 from 11:00 to 4:00 pm
WHERE: near UTSU, 12 Hart House Circle, Toronto
MENU: delicious Polish kielbasa and pierogi!

PSA invites you to a scrumptious lunch which will be served with the
purchase of a PSA 2009/2010 membership. Drop by as this will be another great chance to meet us!