Secretary 2021

Anna Kalinowski

Year:  1st Year Masters

Program: OISE MT

Kraków or Warszawa: Warszawa

Ruskie Pierogi or Słodkie Pierogi: Ruskie Pierogi

Tatry or Bałtyk: Bałtyk

About Anna:

Anna Kalinowski graduated her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto in 2020 and is now in her first year at UofT’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education completing the Masters of Teaching program. Anna has been a member of The Polish Students Association since 2017, previously holding the honourable position of being Co-President from 2019-2020. Anna’s parents emigrated from Poland to Germany in 1987, and in 1992 moved across continents to Canada. Although Anna was born in Toronto, she comes from Płock, and holds a dual citizenship to both Canada and Poland. Having a Polish background allowed her to continue Polish culture and traditions in Canada. She has a love for learning when traveling, whether it’s the country’s history, culture, or language ~ the opportunities are endless.